Hello All,

This is just a little blurb to update our kind readers and to explain why there has not been any new posts for a while. This past spring I decided to return to university to further my education. While this is an incredibly exciting period for me, the reality is that it has left very little time to add new posts to The Paw and the Pen. Because of this reason, I wanted to be more transparent to those who have been following The Paw and the Pen. My schooling lasts another 18 months, and although it is doubtful I will add new posts during that time, Truffles and I will definitely resume blogging once I finish the academic program. We will be MIA for a bit, but The Paw and the Pen will be back!

In the mean time, wherever you are, I hope life is finding you well. 🙂

Natalie & Truffles

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